My work occurs at the intersection of family demography, social stratification, and family economics. My research focuses on the relationships between family living situations and social inequality.
Topically, my work touches on determinants and consequences of changes in family structure, the connections between family formation, mental health, and criminal activities, causes and consequences of child protective services contacts, and the short- and long-term consequences of somatic and mental health problems.
I also undertake interdisciplinary work alongside colleagues from adjacent fields, such as economics, public health, and social work, and often with direct implications for social policy. Methodologically, I rely on methods from econometrics and demography.
See my CV for an updated and complete list of publications.
Talk given at BCTR,
Cornell Universersity
Paper available open access here.
Recent Reviewed Publications
Nielsen, M.N., Fallesen, P. & Gähler, M. (2025). “Parental Union Dissolution and Children’s Emotional and Behavioral Problems: Addressing Selection and Considering the Role of Post-Dissolution Living Arrangements.” Social Forces.
​Cuzulan, B., Schultz-Nielsen, M.L. & Fallesen, P. (2025). "The Demographic and Socioeconomic Consequences of Restricting Access to Marriage for Young Migrants in Denmark." Demography.
Wildeman, C., Roehrkasse, A., Gibbons, A., Sernaker, S., Becker, L. & Fallesen, P. (2025). "Child Welfare System Contact in the Global North: Trends from 44 Countries.'' Demography.
​Parolin, Z., Pintro-Schmitt, R., Esping-Andersen, G. & Fallesen, P. (2024). "Intergenerational persistence of poverty in five high-income countries." Nature Human Behavior.
Blaabæk, E.A., Vigild, D.J., Elwert, F., Fallesen, P. & Andersen, L.H. (2024). ”Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Criminal Charges and Convictions in Mid and Late Adolescence.” JAMA Pediatrics, 178, (11), 1164-1171.
Cozzani, M., Eremenko, T., Fallesen, P., Goisis, A., Salazar, L. & Seiz, M. (2024). “Educational gradients in the prevalence of MAR births in comparative perspective.” Fertility & Sterility, 122, (4), 648-657.
Fallesen, P., Andersen, L. H. & Elwert, F. (2024). “Heterogenous Causal Effects in Family Research: Exploring Potentials and Pitfalls using the Fatherhood Premium in Denmark as an Example.” Journal of Marriage and Family, 86, (5), S1519-S1540.
Fallesen, P. & Østdal, J.R. (2024). "Ulighed i pensioner i Danmark på tværs af køn.'' Samfundsøkonomen, 2024, (3).
​Blaabæk, E.A, Andersen, L.H. & Fallesen, P. (2024). "From Unequal Injuries to Unequal Learning?: Socioeconomic gradients in childhood concussions and the impact on children’s academic performance." Social Science & Medicine, 341, 116524.
Fallesen, P. (2024). "Criminal Justice Involvement, Transition to Fatherhood, and the Demographic Foundation of the Intergenerational Transmission of Crime.'' Acta Sociologica, 67(2), 164-182.
Christensen, M.L., Jonassen, A.B., & Fallesen, P. (2024). "Income Developments in the Great Recession: Status for the Danish Prime-age Working Population a Decade Following the Onset of the Financial Crisis.'' Journal of Economic Inequality, 22, 237-264.
Cozzani, M, Fallesen, P., Passaretta, G., Härkönen, J. & Bernardi, F. (2023). "The Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Fertility and Birth Outcomes: Evidence from Spanish Birth Registers." Population Development and Review.
Lok, V, Sjöqvist, H., Sidorchuk, A., Flodin, P., Osika, W., Daly, M., Hyland, P., Andersen, L.H., Fallesen, P., Cabrera, M.C., Knudsen, A.S.K, Wetherall, K, Widnall, E., Pieh, C., Groarke, J.M., Armour, C., Dalman, C., Hollander, A-C. & Niemi, M. (2023). “Changes in anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic in the European population: A meta-analysis of changes and associations with restriction policies.” European Psychiatry, 66(1), e87.
Fallesen, P. (2023). "The association between type of conception through medically assisted reproduction and childhood cognition: A Danish population-wide cohort study.'' European Journal of Public Health, 33(6), 1020-1026.
Fallesen, P. & Cozzani, M. (2023). "Partial Fertility Recuperation in Spain Two Years After the Onset of the COVID-9 Pandemic." Demographic Research, 49(17), 465-478.
Roehrkasse, A., Becker, L., Wildeman, C. & Fallesen, P. (2023). “Introducing a New Data Resource for Comparative Child Welfare Research: The Rockwool-Duke Global Child Welfare Database.” Children and Youth Services Review, 152.
Fallesen, P., Oberndorfer, M. & Cozzani, M. (2023). "Changes in Conception Rates, Not in Pregnancy-Related Behavior, Likely Caused Decline in Pre-Term Births During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic.'' BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, 130(10), 1153-1155.
Hjalmarsson, S., Fallesen, P. & Plenty, S. (2023). "Not Next to You: Peer Rejection, Student Characteristics and the Moderating Effects of Classroom Composition." Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 52(6), 1191-1205. DOI: 10.1007/s10964-023-01758-x.
Cardona, M., Andersen, L. H., Fallesen, P. & Bruckner, T. (2023). "Stress/Depression Across the Covid-19 Pandemic in Denmark." BMC Public Health, 23, 169."
Fallesen, P. (2021). "Institutional Persistence: Involvements with Child Protective Services, the Criminal Justice System, and Mental Health Services across Childhood, Adolescence, and Early Adulthood in Denmark." The British Journal of Social Work. 51(6), 2228–2246. DOI: 10.1093/bjsw/bcab090.
Hellstrand, J., Nisén, J., Miranda, V., Fallesen, P., Dommermuth, L., & Myrskylä, M. (2021). "Not only later, but also fewer: Novel trends in cohort fertility in the Nordic countries." Demography, 58(4), 1373-1399. DOI: 10.1215/00703370-9373618.
Andersen, L. H., Fallesen, P. & Bruckner, T. A. (2021). "Risk of Stress/Depression and Functional Impairment in Denmark Immediately Following a COVID-19 Shutdown." BMC Public Health, 21(1), 1-11. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-021-11020-3.
Fallesen, P. (2021). "Decline in rate of divorce and separation filings in Denmark in 2020 compared to previous years." Socius. DOI: 10.1177/23780231211009991.
Landersø, R. & Fallesen, P. (2021). "Psychiatric Hospital Admission and Later Mental Health, Crime, and Labor Market Outcomes." Health Economics, 30(1), 165-179. DOI: 10.1002/hec.4186.
Fallesen, P. (2021). "Who Reacts to Less Restrictive Divorce Laws?" Journal of Marriage and Family, 83(2), 608-619. DOI: 10.1111/jomf.12722.
Comolli, C., Neyer, G., Andersson, G., Dommermuth, L., Fallesen, P., Jalovaara, M., Jónsson, A., Kolk, M. & Lappegård, T. (2021). "Beyond the Economic Gaze: Childbearing during and after recessions in the Nordic countries​." European Journal of Population, 32, 473-520.
Thielemans, G., Fallesen, P. & Mortelmans, D. (2021). “Division of Household Labor and Relationship Dissolution in Denmark 2001-2009." Journal of Family Issues, 42(7), 1582-1606. DOI: 10.1177/0192513X20949890.
Johansen, S. N. V., Fallesen, P., Berger, L. M., & Schultz-Nielsen. M. L. (2020). "Household Economic Exclusion among Danish Children: Evaluating Independent and Joint Household Risk of Income Poverty and Parental Labor Market Exclusion." Social Service Review, 94(4), 781-814.
Fallesen, P. & Campos, B. (2020). "The Effect of Concussion on Salary and Employment - A Population-Based Event Time Study using a Quasi-Experimental Design." BMJ Open, 10, e038161.
Fallesen, P. & Gähler, M. (2020). “Post-Divorce Dual-Household Living
Arrangements and Adolescent Wellbeing.” Chapter 16 in D. Mortelmans (Ed.) Divorce in Europe: New insights in trends, causes and consequences of relation break-ups. Berlin, DE: Springer.
Fallesen, P. & Gähler, M. (2020). "Family type and parental time investment in children: Longitudinal evidence for Denmark." Acta Sociologica, 63(4), 361-380.
Jalovaara, M., Neyer, G., Andersson, G., Dahlberg, J., Dommermuth, L., Fallesen, P. & Lappegård​, T. (2019). "Education, Gender, and Cohort Fertility in the Nordic Countries." European Journal of Population, 35(3), 563-586.
Keilow, M., Holm, A., & Fallesen, P. (2018). "The Effects of Medical Treatment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on Children’s Educational Achievement." PLoS One, 13(11), e0207905.
Fallesen, P., Geerdsen, L. P., Imai, S., & Tranæs, T. (2018). "The Effect of Workfare on Crime: Incapacitation and Program Effects." Labour Economics, 52, 263-286.
Wildeman, C., & Fallesen, P. (2017). "The Effect of Lowering Welfare Payment Ceilings on Children’s Risk of Out-of-Home Placement." Children and Youth Services Review, 72, 82-90.
Fallesen, P. & Andersen, L.H. (2017). Explaning the Consequences of Imprisonment for Union Formation and Dissolution in Denmark. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 36(1), 154-177.
Selected Recent Unreviewed Publications
Nielsen, M.M., Fallesen, P. & Gähler, M. (2024). Parental Union Dissolution and Children’s Emotional and Behavioral Problems: Addressing Selection and Considering the Role of Post-Dissolution Living Arrangements. SocArXiv
Parolin, Z., Schmitt, R., Esping-Andersen, G., & Fallesen, P. (2023). The Intergenerational Persistence of Poverty in High-Income Countries. IZA Discussion Paper No. 16194.
Cuzulan, B., Schultz-Nielsen, M.L. & Fallesen, P. (2023). The Demographic and Socioeconomic Consequences of Restricting Access to Marriage for Young Migrants in Denmark.' ROCKWOOL Foundation Study Paper no. 187.
Goisis, A., Fallesen, P., Seiz, M., Salazar, L., Eremenko, T. and Cozzani, M. (2023). Educational gradients in the prevalence of Medically Assisted Reproduction (MAR) births in a comparative perspective. European Commission, JRC132792.
Fallesen, P., Dommermuth, L., Hellstrand, J., Simonsen, E., Loft, L. & Mortensen, L. (2023) Research note: Comparing Ideal Family Size with Observed and Forecasted Completed Cohort Fertility in Denmark and Norway. ROCKWOOL Foundation Study Paper no. 181.
Holm, M.L., Fallesen, P. & Heinesen, E. (2023). The Effects of Parental Union Dissolution on Children's Test Scores. ROCKWOOL Foundation Study Paper no. 185.
Fallesen, P. & Cozzani, M. (2023). Partial Fertility Recuperation in Spain Two Years After the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic. SocArXiv.
Christensen, M.L., Jonassen, A.B., & Fallesen, P. (2022). Income Developments in the Great Recession: Status for the Danish Prime-age Working Population a Decade Following the Onset of the Financial Crisis. ROCKWOOL Foundation Study Paper no. 184.
Cozzani, M, Fallesen, P., Passaretta, G., Härkönen, J. & Bernardi, F. (2022). The Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Fertility and Birth Outcomes: Evidence from Spanish Birth Registers. Stockholm Research Reports in Demography 2022:7.
Simonsen, E.A.L. & Fallesen, Peter. (2022) What a difference a definition makes: Mismatches in the partner markets in Denmark, 1985-2018. SocArXiv. DOI: 10.31235/
Anker, A.S.T. & Fallesen, P. (2022) Crime and the Medical Treatment of
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. SocArXiv. DOI: 10.31235/
Simonsen, E.A.L., Fallesen, P, Loft, L.T. & Mortensen, L.H. (2021). The
Danish Generations and Gender Survey 2020: Data collection, access and quality of the data. Rockwool Foundation Technical Note no. 21.
Andersen, S.H, Fallesen, P., Madsen, J.E. & Wildeman, C. (2021). Paternal Incarceration and the Medicalization of Children’s Problem Behavior. Rockwool Foundation Research Unit Study Paper.
Wood, J., Marynissen, L., Nisén, J., Fallesen, P., Neels, K., Trimarchi, A., Dommermuth, L., van Gaalen, R., Kolk, M. & Martikainen, P. (2021). Regional Variation in Women’s Education-Fertility Nexus in Northern and Western Europe.' MPIDR Working paper 2021-021.
Hjalmarsson, S., Fallesen, P., & Plenty, S. (2021). Not Next to You: Peer Rejection, Student Characteristics and the Moderating Effects of Classroom Composition. SocArXiv. DOI: 10.31235/
Fallesen, P. (2021). Decline in rate of divorce and separation filings in Denmark in 2020 compared to previous years. SocArXiv. DOI: 10.31235/
Fallesen, P. (2020). Institutional Persistence: Involvements with Child Protective Services, the Criminal Justice System, and Mental Health Services across Childhood, Adolescence, and Early Adulthood in Denmark. SocArXiv. DOI: 10.31235/
Andersen, L. H., Fallesen, P. & Bruckner, T. A. (2020). Risk of Stress/Depression and Functional Impairment in Denmark Immediately Following a COVID-19 Shutdown. Rockwool Foundation Study Paper no. 157. DOI: 10.1101/2020.12.15.20248251.
Fallesen, P. (2020). Criminal Justice Involvement, Transition to Fatherhood, and the Demographic Foundation of the Intergenerational Transmission of Crime. SocArXiv. DOI: 10.31235/
Fallesen, P. & Heinesen, E. (2020). "Introduktion til temaet børn og forældre." Introductionary chapter in Andersen, S.H., Jensen, B., Nielsen, B.W. & Skaksen, J.R. Hvad ved vi om børn og deres opvækstvilkår. Copenhagen: Gyldendal.
Fallesen, P. & Landersø, R. (2020). “Introduktion til temaet økonomisk ulighed i barndommen.” Introductionary chapter in Andersen, S.H., Jensen, B., Nielsen, B.W. & Skaksen, J.R. Hvad ved vi om børn og deres opvækstvilkår. Copenhagen: Gyldendal.
Hellstrand, J., Nisén, J., Miranda, V., Fallesen, P., Dommermuth, L., & Myrskylä, M. (2020). Not only later, but also fewer: Novel trends in cohort fertility in the Nordic countries. MPDIR working paper no. 2020-007.
Comolli, C., Neyer, G., Andersson, G., Dommermuth, L., Fallesen, P., Jalovaara, M., Jónsson, A., Kolk, M. & Lappegård, T. (2019). Beyond the Economic Gaze: Childbearing during and after recessions in the Nordic countries​. Stockholm Research Reports in Demography.
Fallesen, P. (2019). Who Reacts to Less Restrictive Divorce Laws? OSF Preprint.
Thielemans, G., Fallesen, P. & Mortelmans, D. (2019). Division of Household Labor and Relationship Dissolution in Denmark 2001-2009. Rockwool Foundation Study Paper no. 145.
Fallesen, P. & Bernardi, F. (2018). Parental Welfare Dependency and Children’s Educational Attainment in Denmark. Rockwool Foundation Study Paper.
Fallesen, P. & Andersen, S.H. (2017). Opfølgende evaluering af indsatser rettet mod udsatte unge mødres beskæftigelse og uddannelsesaktivitet i fire danske kommuner. Rockwool Foundation Study Paper.
Jalovaara, M., Neyer, G., Andersson, G., Dahlberg, J., Dommermuth,
L., Fallesen, P. & Lappegård, T. (2017). Education, Gender, and Cohort Fertility in the Nordic Countries. Stockholm Research Reports in Demography.